Homeowner Information

New York State Weatherization Program

The NYS Weatherization Assistance Program provides services to improve energy efficiency and reduce fuel costs for low-income families.  Weatherization Assistance Providers include Community-Based Housing Organizations, county governments, and Native American Tribal organizations. Weatherization services reduce the amount of energy required to heat and cool homes and provide hot water.  Weatherization Assistance Providers assist low-income households, with priority given to those with elderly or handicapped members, and to families with young children.


HOME STAR is a proposed new national program that will provide up to $6 billion in rebates for home weatherization.  This initiative will help homeowners improve their home's energy efficiency, while creating many construction and manufacturing jobs across the country.  Learn about HOME STAR's two different levels, the GOLD STAR and the SILVER STAR.

New York Energy $mart

New York Energy $mart is a NYSERDA program that helps homeowners and renters to reduce their energy costs and helps to provide energy efficient housing to tenants, all while reducing the impact on the environment.  The program also provides training to contractors on how to provide energy efficient services.